The Liberation of MAGA People
A few years ago, I discovered what are the afflictions that hold MAGA People together.
A Centuries-Old Cry of MAGA People
The consequences of the actions of the Masters of Mankind have been felt most by those who today are identified as MAGA People.
There is much more than words that our political leadership owes our country men and women—and children. There is a whole array of injustices that have to be set aright. Set these injustices right and you unify the country. We must realize that, while MAGA People are at the forefront of the affront of injustices, no sector of the population escapes scot-free.
As pointed out on other occasions, the affections that hold MAGA People together are the resentments and the afflictions that society inflicts upon them. Their lives are being eviscerated by the latifundia; yes, who knows about the latifundia any longer? Ever since Constantine converted to Christianity, latifundia have disappeared from polite political imagination; but vast tracts of land—whether in the wilderness, in dilapidated downtowns, or in the undeveloped band of land that strangles the cities—are still controlled by few people and rich corporations. As a consequence, MAGA People tend to be corralled into crowded lots.
MAGA People's lives are being eviscerated when money is lent to people with money on easy terms and the people without money are left to pay outrageous interest.
MAGA People's lives are being eviscerated whenever two mega corporations are glued together; then the few gain more power and the people within and without both corporations suffer many afflictions.
MAGA People's lives are being eviscerated by robots that take their jobs, their livelihood, away.
No, economic oppression is not due to the ill will of anyone. It is systemic; it springs from the system, a system that we have built helter-skelter, adding a patch here, and a patch there. No one has designed it.
There has never been any real understanding of the economic process as a whole—only understanding of parts of the elephant. In its development we have overlooked many essential elements. It is now time to try to put it all together.
We have built a system that ultimately affects negatively everyone. Do we ever consider the condition of the billionaire who goes to bed tonight with the fear that he or she will wake up to the news that, due to the collapse of the Stock Market somewhere in the world, this poor soul has lost a good chunk of the wealth so painfully accumulated over the years?
Have we considered the psychological reflection on the affluent when society opts for a "preferential treatment for the poor"? If we are going to love the poor so much, to the extent of giving them a preferential treatment, don't we implicitly say that we hate the rich—or at least we have less love for the rich?
Have we seriously considered that we have built a society of beggars? While the poor beg for food and shelter, the middle classes beg for a job. And the affluent are constantly begging for a subsidy and/or a tax reduction.
Yes, these horrible conditions that weigh so heavily on the life of nearly everyone today. They can and must be changed. Concordian economics comes to the rescue.
With Concordian economics
With Concordian economics, the construction of economic justice is completed by adding the plank of Participative Justice to its structure. We all have the right to participate in the economic process, none of us is a slave (or ought to be a slave) anymore.
We will create all the wealth that we need. No more will MAGA People be corralled into tights quarters; no more will MAGA People be denied access to loans or granted loans only at exorbitant interest; no longer will MAGA People receive insufficient wages and be deprived of the capital appreciation they have created; no more will MAGA People be losing their job sites to local or foreign competitors who reduce wages to a pittance.
In this construct, MAGA People compose 99% of the population.
And the 1% is not fairing much better. How would you like to live under the incubus of a Stock Market plunge somewhere in the world. What if you have borrowed money to acquire that standing in the market?
Economic justice is not an abstraction, but a need of the human soul. Practicing economic justice, one fills his or her soul with jubilation, not only because one emerges from the shell of the self, but because one establishes firm, satisfying relations with The Other.
To practice economic justice is to escape from Solipsism, as the danger of Secularism. Ours is the work of reconstruction of the Polis; ours is the work needed to create the Civilized Society, a reconstruction based on a growing understanding of Self and Others.
All is accomplished through Love, because justice is a virtue. And the virtues cannot be exercised in isolation. Either they are all exercised or none is. It takes love to receive or to give economic justice.